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Clash of Clans Game Guide

CoC by Supercell remains one of the top grossing mobile games of all times because it simply entertains us a little better than all of these other base builders. The Fantasy theme is a big hit by giving you giants, wizards and dragons at your command and the point and drop combat is very solid and well balanced between attack and defense. This guide will help explain the basics to you.

If you are new to these base builders you might as well start with the best and give this one a shot. Don't be intimidated by the fact that millions are already playing it. You are still going to have fun and be successful once you learn the basics. Once you complete the tutorial you will begin building your base by unlocking new structures and additional structures that are already unlocked as you go. This is done by improving your town hall. You will build your army the same way unlocking new units along the way and leveling them up to be more powerful. You will start out attacking the little computer quest maps to get the hang of combat then you start attacking other players.

The progression is slow by design because that folded green paper in your wallet is the game's top resource for speeding you up. Spending is not really necessary in this game though if you just have enough patience you will eventually get there.

Everyone starts out with something simple like this

Base Defense
Once you unlock more walls and structures that's when your base building skills become the most important part of the game. Everyone builds a base most people don't build it correctly. So let's look at the correct and the incorrect in base building.

Let's look at these 2 bases we will call the first one Base A and the second one Base B. Base A has been built correctly because they have used shorter walls that form a compartmental layout for the defensive structures. It will take an invading army quit a while to get through all of those small walls and destroy this base. Meanwhile the cannons and towers are dealing the damage on them while they break one wall after another. Base B is just a single big square and can be breeched easily by knocking one hole in the wall. Then all the structures are exposed and can be taken down much easier. One of these bases has a design and required some effort and one is just a square. Learning the difference is the key to base defense.

When it comes to base building in CoC smaller is better. If you notice Base A has buildings outside of it's walls completely, forming an unprotected parameter. They actually act as additional walls in this game. Those are resource collectors and even though they are important they are less important than defensive structures when planning your defense. So they are being sacrificed to dedicate more wall sections to the important structures that win the defensive battle for you. In Base B they have tried to put every structure behind the wall and that's why it's spread too thinly. Protect the important structures and sacrifice the less important ones. You don't want bare walls that wall breaker units can attack. In Base A the walls are covered up in Base B they are exposed.

Eventually if you play long enough you have a base like this

Attacking with your army
When it comes to attacking in CoC the normal RPG rules apply and the higher level your units are the better. Melee tank units need to be taking the damage while high damage ranged units can safely deal it back. CoC throws a little twist into this by assigning some units a specific target to attack once they hit the battlefield. You do not have direct control of what a unit does once you place it on the battlefield. can predict what it will do by where you place it. 

A giant for example will always head for the nearest defensive structure (cannon, mortar, tower). If he has to break through a wall to get to it then he will attack the wall and ignore any other buildings that he has free access to. A goblin will attack resource structures in the same manner. You will learn about goblin raiding soon enough by watching the videos of armies attacking you. They are the little pesky thieves in CoC. 

Goblin raiding gold mines for some quick easy cash. 

If you are attacking Base A. It's going to be tough, you would need to drop some giants around to take the structure fire then surround it with archers to shoot over those little walls. The problem is archers attack any building they see so the resource collectors would slow them down on that task. Wall breaker units could then help the giants in their task until the archers move in, When attacking Base B you would just need to use wall breakers in a couple of locations then flood your army into the base. When you are out attacking other bases you want to find Base B as a target. 

Here is my main noob rule for base attacking. Locate the mortar first. It's the best defense a base has at lower to mid levels. If you can figure out a strategy of getting giants to it before it gets off more than a few shots then it's a good base to attack. If it's too well protected it will eat you alive. Eventually bases have multiple mortars but by then you are researching spells that will assist you. 

Guild Content
Now we are getting to the best part. Since you know what you are doing now you are ready to take the next step. CoC has an outstanding guild system and you will enjoy this game even more when you find a good group of folks to interact with. Of course you always have groups that take it too seriously and that can ruin the experience for some people or enhance it, we all have different outlooks on that. Joining a guild will allow you to request troops to defend your base with. It's a good idea to donate more than you request though. No guild likes a noob with his hand constantly out. 

Guild wars are amazing and it's a great challenge for the serious gamer to test their skills. It puts your guild against another to see who can do the most base damage with each member getting to attack the other guild twice. So the entire guild needs to participate for the win. 

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