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Criminal Legacy Review

Criminal Legacy by Gree, Inc is heavily inspired by an earlier title from the same publisher called Knights and Dragons but with a grittier and more adult theme. This game is a card collector that also adds in a little base building and RPG elements. The basics of the game are that you assemble a group of 6 criminals (your main character plus 5 minions) and try to collect the best pieces of armor that you can for them, then level that armor up through crafting and collecting junk pieces that will be used to enhance your better pieces.

There are a lot of options for gameplay in this one. You have the basic missions that take you through the game's campaign map. There is an arena where you can earn rewards by fighting PVP battles and climb your way up the leaderboard. There is a boss battle area which also has it's own leaderboard, and there are special wars that can last up to three days if you plan to join a syndicate (guild) and compete along with your fellow members. The syndicate wars are probably the most popular feature of the game and are the main reason some people continue to play over time.

This game is almost an auto battler your only real interaction with the battle is to activate a special damage shot when it powers up during the fight. When to use those shots though can determine the outcome of the battle. In pvp battles your team will be made up of three members fighting against the other team's three but units will fight one at a time. The two frontmen will engage and once one is dead the next one in line will take over until one side has lost all three. The game does not really have a skill system and uses an element system instead to make the armor you collect unique. The elements are fire, water, steel, lightning and shadow. Each element has an opposing element both good and bad. For instance fire will do extra damage to the shadow element but will take extra damage from the water element.

Elemental matchups are the key

Gear is what the game is all about and it comes in several different qualities with Ultra Rare and Legendary being the best. Every piece of gear also has two versions. One version is just regular and the other is an "S" version which is more powerful. Once you obtain a nice piece of gear you then need to level that gear up by enhancing it. Gear has it's own level just like your character does. This is where the time investment grind comes in.

Assemble your team and deck them out

Base Building:
While the base building feature of the game is certainly secondary to battling it is more than just an afterthought. You will need lots of money to level up your gear and your base will be your main source of income. The missions will take you through getting started on it but ultimately shooting ranges will generate the most income in the long run.

Big time money making base

Epic Boss:
The Epic Boss area is one of the best features of the game. Every week will present a new one that will stay available for battles for 7 days. The key here is to defeat the boss as many times as possible during that duration and eventually collecting his gear. You have to wait on an energy timer which will allow you to battle once every 2-3 hours depending on how much energy you require for the battle. Taking in an army of 3 costs more than taking in an army of 1. Eventually your army will not be enough and you will have to spend even more energy to bring in a friend or two from your friends list.

A good friends list is the key to boss battles

Last but not least you have the syndicates and syndicate wars. These can last up to 72 hours with most groups fighting every 2-3 hours during that time. This is the content that separates the casual player from the serious one and the free player from the spender. Syn wars are pay to win and some syn masters take them way too seriously demanding a certain amount of participation or in some cases a certain amount of money to be spent on them. Finding the right syndicate can be a trial and error process depending on your style of play.

Criminal legacy is a very well made game, it provides lots of content and is constantly being updated. If you are into card collector battle this is one you need to give a look at.


  • Lots of different gameplay elements to keep you busy
  • Interesting and popular crime lord theme
  • One of the better social games out there with content dedicated to that facet. 
  • Lots of cool looking gear to collect


  • Eventually becomes pay to win
  • Syndicate content may not be for the casual player
  • Requires lots of time investment for leveling gear 

Overall Score:
4.5 stars out of 5.

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