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Heroes of Dragon Age Nexus Update

The New "Nexus" update for Heroes of Dragon Age has a lot of fans wondering if this is the final straw for Capital Games to run them off for good. The update that went live yesterday completely revamps the "energy" system for the game.

The "stamina" system that is used in PVP events has remained unchanged. Energy is what determines how often a player can engage in PVE content which used to mean challenges to try your luck at getting legendary cards by defeating a set group of foes over and over as long as you had the energy to fight the battles. The refill rate was about 6 battles every 2 hours which kept free players pretty happy.

The challenges are now gone and have been replaced by something called the Nexus. The Nexus is where you fight a series of boss type battles after choosing from different difficulty options and then you are rewarded for each of the 4 battles after you complete all 4. This all sounds great but the problem is that it's now associated with an entirely new energy system that only allows free players to run the Nexus a couple of times a day at the higher more rewarding difficulty settings.

Energy is now a round number instead of a bar with 6 segments. This number is based on your level and it refills at a rate of 1 point per 10 minutes. The highest difficulty of the Nexus requires 70 energy so that's a whopping 700 minutes of refilling or 11+ hours. Of course the pool can be completely replenished by spending gems and now we get it. Either wait around all day to run a Nexus quest or open your wallet. Hey it's your choice do you want any good cards or not.

Some people have referred to this as the greediest update in mobile gaming history. It's not that far from completely removing half of the game's content from the free player. What's even worse is the gem collecting you used to do from the maps is also part of this new stamina system. It can literally take a week now to just acquire one stack of gems that used to take a few hours.

Capital Games has changed their minds several times already about how to handle the game's content and that really shows a serious lack of planning on their part. They obviously had no idea what they were doing when they launched this game. Now they have monkeyed with it to the point that their player base may have had enough and is ready to move on. Adding content is one thing changing it is something completely different.

Freemium players can be a difficult group to please. Many of them have invested way more into the game than someone just buying off the shelf. It's not a good idea to decide you are changing the amount of time they now get to play.

We are hoping once Capital figures out they have no players left they will do something to fix this. Adding the Nexus content was fine but they should have created a whole new "energy" system for it and left the other one alone.

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