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Clash of Gangs Review

We all love base builders they are the perfect mobile games to just check in on throughout our day to see if anyone has annihilated our base or just give a few quick orders while we hurry through our daily lives. With the market so flooded with options to keep us busy already is there any chance a new one can stick it's head out of the bushes and attract some attention. In the case of Clash of Gangs by the answer is yes.

The back alley crime lord theme is certainly one the market is favoring right now and this little pocket gem has used it in a way that's very entertaining while not being too over the top with it. It also has a few extra elements that really rounds it out and puts a unique stamp on it.

Bases have a nice style to them

The basics are all the same you collect resources which in this case is cash and juice and train your troops while upgrading your headquarters to unlock things and improve your base. You will start out with some basic units like Thugs and Gunners and eventually work up to shoulder missile wielding Boomers and even attack choppers. The thing that gives it it's real personality though is the crime boss system.

Bosses are the unique units that will make your army a little different from most of the others out there. The more bosses you can collect the tougher you will be. This is where the challenge starts to kick in and it becomes a bit of a card collector because bosses have to be randomly recruited from your Bar. You will start out with one but must acquire the others with either the premium currency (gold), the reputation currency (street cred) or the special and rare currency (boss chips). Gold is going to be the easiest way and surprisingly it's not that difficult to gain in this game for free by completing achievements. Checking out the store it also seems the prices on gold are not outrageous at all. So the low spender can probably get a lot for their money in this one.

Build your collection of bosses

There is also an RPG character building process for the bosses. They can be leveled up to become even stronger and can have one of their two skills changed by spending more gold on them. Your bosses will accompany you into raids of other bases but can also be tested in challenges against other bosses. This is a neat little side game where groups of bosses battle each other without the help of their troops to place you on the boss leaderboard.

Square off against other bosses in challenges

Sweet victory

A few neat things about the game is that your surviving troops return to your base after a battle and all of the troops in your base including your bosses help out in defense when your base is raided. The visuals are really a plus for this game. The downtown backdrop graphics and detail of the units and structures all add to it's personality and the camera is controllable to get tilted views which makes the game seem more 3 dimensional than ones you may be used to in this genre. I was impressed with the sound effects as well.

Get right down into the action

In my own experience while playing I did not notice any crashes or server issues so IGG seems to have things pretty well ironed out already. The game is still being improved upon and a few things are still missing. It appears they are putting in a system of battle spells that you will use to interact with your troops during battle (heals and special damage stuff) but that system is not in place yet. Although it does have a global chat where you can post friend requests it does not have a guild system in place yet either.

I found it to be very addictive and if base builders are your thing then this one needs to go on your list. It's a promising addition to the genre and has the potential to be right up at the top one day.


  • Boss collection and challenges are a fun element
  • Tilting camera provides different views to zoom right in
  • Unit versus unit combat is different than most builders
  • Progression seems to be pretty fast


  • Still missing a few important elements like guilds and battle replays
  • Builder veterans may not find the combat as strategic as other games

Overall Score:
4 stars out of 5

Gameplay video

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